Signup Info

Signups are for the Signup Bo3 format, which are held any day where 10 or more players sign up. Normally these are first come first serve, but on fridays this is changed to prioritizing any player with less than 10 games played in the server, and then first come first serve. Signups start at 8pm EST, unless there is Clash that night, then they start at 6pm EST.

On May 11th, June 22nd and July 27th, signups are instead for the Bracket Format, which will run from 7pm - 11pm EST. It requires 20 or more players, and normal signups will run if that condition is not met.

To sign up, select your name from the dropdown, and press Sign up and View Date. To view the players registered for a specific day, select the date but leave the name field empty. If your name does not appear, register for the server here.
