Region Scrims

Rules found here: Region Scrims Regions found here: Regions

Captain Draft

Requires 12 people; 2 captains designated to pick teams and champions in a both fair and fun way.

Archetype Draft

Both teams work together to determine a role from the league client (ex. Mages, Assassins, Tanks, etc…) that all 10 champions have to be from. If there are less than 45 champs in the role, each team gets 1 ban, otherwise, each team gets 2 bans per game. This mode is blind pick.

Nemesis Draft

Each team will draft for the other team using standard tournament draft. This does not include player draft.

Off-Role Draft

Champions are not allowed to be played in a role that they have >5% of their games played in using Iron+ data on League of Graphs.

Ultimate Bravery

Each players chooses 10+ champions to add to their pool on Ultimate Bravery and rolls once per game. Roles should be set before rolling. No bans, blind pick. (We don't condone certain word usage on this site. If the site makes you uncomfortable someone else can roll for you).

New Player Experience

Blind pick, no bans. Every player must pick a champion current on free rotation, take heal and ghost as their summoner spells, and use one of the default 5 rune pages.

Musical Chairs

All players must take the teleport summoner spell excluding the junglers. Each player must use teleport as soon as it comes off cooldown to a lane that they aren’t currently in. Each laner can only take cs from the lane they last teleported to. Other than this, nothing is changed from normal scrims (player draft/champ select).